Toni obtained her BSc in Environmental and Geographical Sciences in 2014 at the University of Cape Town. She went on to study her Honours in Biological Sciences at UCT and graduated in 2015. Toni then enrolled in the DST-NRF internship program and joined the Freshwater Research Centre as an intern in April 2016. At the beginning of 2017, Toni began her MSc by coursework and minor dissertation at the University of Cape Town in Environment, Society and Sustainability. The FRC is co-supervising her dissertation. Toni is researching how climate change will impact the CFR endemic fish species, Galaxias zebratus in rivers of the Cape Peninsula. Her research will analyse how thermal histories of the river systems impact the thermal tolerance of the fish. An interest in freshwater ecology and general freshwater systems was evident as a result of the exposure to the work of the FRC during her internship period.