
Cerrilla C, Flemming L, Griffiths CL, Impson D, Jordaan MS, Kajee M, Paxton BR, van der Walt JA, Whitehead TO, Shelton JM. 2023. Using a head-start conservation intervention to boost spawning numbers of the endangered Clanwilliam sandfish. Conservation Science and Practice. Volume6. Issue1.

Kajee M, Dallas HF, Griffiths CL, Kleynhans CJ and Shelton JM. 2023. The Status of South Africa’s Freshwater Fish Fauna: A Spatial Analysis of Diversity, Threat, Invasion, and Protection. Fishes 8 (12): 571.

Kajee M, Henry DA, Dallas H, Griffiths CL, Pegg J, Van Der Colff D, Impson D, Chakona A, Raimondo DC, Job N, Paxton B, Jordaan MS, Bills R, Roux F, Zengeya TA, Hoffman A, Rivers-Moore N, Shelton JM. 2023. How the Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (FBIS) is supporting national freshwater fish conservation decisions in South Africa. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 11. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2023.1122223/abstract.

Kajee M, Dallas HF, Swanepoel A, Griffiths CL and Shelton JM. 2023. The Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (FBIS) fish data: a georeferenced dataset of freshwater fishes occuring in South Africa. Journal of Limnology.

Odume ON, Akamagwuna FC, Ntloko P, Dallas HF, Nnadozie CF and Barber-James HM. 2023. A trait database for southern African freshwater invertebrates. African Journal of Aquatic Science: DOI: 0.2989/16085914.2022.2142505.

Xoxo S, Tanner J, Mantel S, Gwapedza D, Paxton B, Hughes D, Barreteau O. 2023. Equity-Based Allocation Criteria for Water Deficit Periods: A Case Study in South Africa. In: Liu, S., Zaraté, P., Kamissoko, D., Linden, I., Papathanasiou, J. (eds) Decision Support Systems XIII. Decision Support Systems in An Uncertain World: The Contribution of Digital Twins . ICDSST 2023. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol 474. Springer, Cham.


FBIS Mobile App
The Life of a Data Point
Saving sandfish | EP5 |  Onderbek se Kind

Cerrilla C, Afrika J, Impson D, Jordaan MS, Kotze N, Paxton BR, Reed C, Schumann, van der Walt JA and Shelton JM. 2022. Rapid population decline in one of the last recruiting populations of the endangered Clanwilliam sandfish (Labeo seeberi): The roles of climate change and non-native fish. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3785.

Dallas HF, Shelton JM, Sutton T, Tri Ciputra D, Kajee M and Job N. 2022. The Freshwater Biodiversity Information System (FBIS) – mobilising data for evaluating long-term change in South African rivers, African Journal of Aquatic Science 47(3): 291-306, DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2021.1982672.

Dallas HF and Rivers-Moore NA. 2022. A protocol and tools for setting environmental water temperature guidelines for perennial rivers in South Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Science DOI:10.2989/16085914.2021.1982673.

Rivers-Moore NA and Dallas HF. 2022. A spatial freshwater thermal resiliance landscape for informing conservation planning and climate change adaptation strategies DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3812.

Tanner J, Mantel S, Paxton B, Slaughter A and Hughes D. 2022. Impacts of climate change on rivers and biodiversity in a water-scarce semi-arid region of the Western Cape, South Africa. Frontiers in Water 4.

Shelton J, Snaddon K, Paxton B. 2022. Monitoring freshwater biodiversity responses to invasive alien plant removal in catchments surrounding Theewaterskloof Dam. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy by the Freshwater Research Centre. 53 pp

Dabrowski JM. 2022. An Integrated Approach to Managing and Mitigating the Risk of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pesticide Pollution to the Aquatic Environment. Volume 1: Research Report. WRC Report No 2707/1/22. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Dabrowski JM. 2022. An Integrated Approach to Managing and Mitigating the Risk of Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pesticide Pollution to the Aquatic Environment. Volume 2: Development of Risk Maps and a Risk Indicator for Identifying Hotspots and Prioritising Risks of Pesticide Use to Aquatic Ecosystem Health. WRC Report No 885/22. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Rivers-Moore NA and Dallas HF. 2022. Quantifying climate change impacts on river system ecology in South Africa. In. Climate Change Impacts on Water Resources: Implications and Practical Responses in Selected South African Systems. (Ed. Petja BM). Water Research Commission Report no. SP 155/22, Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Jordaan M, Shelton J, Chakona A, van der Colf D. 2022. Under water and out of sight: the hidden world of the threatened freshwater fishes of the Cape Fold Ecoregion Elephant. In: M.T. Sethusa, D.L. Dalton & C Pretorius (eds), South African animals at risk of extinction. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria, South Africa.

Giant Redfin: Conserving South Africa’s Native Fish (The Nature Conservancy’s Cool Green Science Blog, 21 March 2022)

Safe havens: Conserving endangered Clanwilliam sandfish, pool by pool (UCT News, 22 April 2022)

Scientists, farmers team up to save one of SA’s most threatened fish (News 24, 1 April 2022)

Red die onderbekvis (Landbou Weekblad, 22 April 2022)

Saving South Africa’s most threatened fish (Getaway, 2022)

The unprecedented effort to save one of Africa’s most threatened fish (National Geographic, 2022)

Clear Water Revival (bioGraphic 2022)

Saving the Sandfish – a case study in biodiversity (Investec 2022)

South Africa’s sandfish are on the brink of extinction: how farmers are helping rescue them (The Conversation 2022)

Diving In: Students Document River Habitats in South Africa

Protecting the Giant Redfin

Saving sandfish | EP4 |  The Quest for Spawning

The Ghosts of Table Mountain

Dallas HF. 2021.  Rapid bioassessment protocols using aquatic macroinvertebrates in Africa – considerations for regional adaptation of existing biotic indices. Frontiers in Water. DOI: 10.3389/frwa.2021.628227.

Lehner B, Katiyo L, Chivava F, Sichingabula HM, Nyirenda E, Rivers-Moore NA, Paxton BR, Grill G, Nyoni F, Shamboko-Mbale B, Banda K, Thieme ML, Silembo OM, Musutu A and Filgueiras R. 2021. Identifying priority areas for surface water protection in data scarce regions: An integrated spatial analysis for Zambia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.

Olsen T, Shelton JM and Dallas HF. 2021. Does thermal history influence thermal tolerance of the freshwater fish Galaxias zebratus in a global biodiversity hotspot? Journal of Thermal Biology.

Ramulifho PA, Foord SH and Rivers-Moore NA. 2021. Structure and diversity of blackfly assemblages in the Luvuvhu River system, South Africa in response to changing environmental gradients. Hydrobiologia DOI: 10.1007/s10750-021-04741-4.

Ramulifho PA, Rivers-Moore NA and Foord SH. 2021. Loss of intermediate flow states only evident when considering sub‐daily flow metrics in a major tributary of the Limpopo basin. Ecohydrology 15(2). DOI: 10.1002/eco.2381.

Rivers-Moore NA and de Moor FC. 2021. Climate-linked freshwater habitat change will have cost implications: Pest blackfly outbreaks in two linked South African rivers. River Research and Applications 37: 387-398.

Rivers-Moore NA, Paxton BR, Chivava F, Katiyo L, Phiri H, Katongo C, Thieme ML, Lehner B and Linke S. 2021. Aquatic areas of ecological importance as inputs into surface water resource protection areas in Zambia. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.

Shelton J, Snaddon K, Paxton B. 2021. Freshwater biodiversity and habitat monitoring at mainstem sites in the Theewaterskloof Catchment, South Africa. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy by the Freshwater Research Centre, August 2021. Pp 56.

Shelton JM, Snaddon K, Paxton BR, Rafferty M and Frenzel P. 2021. Communities and Freshwater Ecosystems: Upper Sonderend River Catchment, Western Cape Province, South Africa. Final Report. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy by the Freshwater Research Centre. Pp 67.

Dallas HF, Rivers-Moore NA and Kajee M. 2021. Climate Change: Abiotic drivers, impact on water resources and ecosystems, mitigation, and management options. Chapter 12. In (Eds. Day JA, Day BA and Reizenberg J) WRC@50. Water Research Commission, Pretoria. South Africa.

Machingura J, Coetzee J, Dallas H, Day B, Day J, Hay D, Skelton P, Thirion C and Uys M. 2021. The evolution of ecosystem research – from biodiversity to biossessments. Chapter 07. In (Eds. Day JA, Day BA and Reizenberg J) WRC@50. Water Research Commission, Pretoria. South Africa.

Snaddon K, Kotze D, Pretorius L and Fortune F. 2021. The Water Research Commission Wades into Wetland Research. Chapter 9. In (Eds. Day JA, Day BA and Reizenberg J) WRC@50. Water Research Commission, Pretoria. South Africa.

South Africa’s freshwater fish face extinction (Mail and Guardian 2021)

Conserving one of the world’s most threatened migratory fish (The Fisheries Blog 2021)

Helen Dallas – A career dedicated to the conservation of southern Africa’s freshwater systems. (Water Wheel Page 24)

Dr Jeremy Shelton Freshwater Scientist and photographer

Waterdak – the roof of the Western Cape

Dallas HF and Mosepele B. 2020. Spatial variability of aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in the Okavango Delta, Botswana: considerations for developing a rapid bioassessment tool. African Journal of Aquatic Science 45(3): 350-363.

Ramulifho PA, Foord SH and Rivers-Moore NA. 2020. The role of hydro-environmental factors in Mayfly (Ephemperoptera, Insecta) community structure: Identifying threshold responses. Ecology and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.6333.

Rivers-Moore NA, Kotze DC, Job N and Mohanlal S. 2020. Prediction of wetland hydrogeomophic type using morphometrics and landscape characteristics. Frontiers in Environmental Science 8:58. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2020.00058.

Rivers-Moore NA and de Moor FC. 2020. Longitudinal species turnover rates are predictable and should guide location of sampling sites for South African river surveys to assess aquatic biodiversity. African Journal of Aquatic Science.

Rivers-Moore NA, Schulze RE and Davis NS 2020. A regional flow type classification for South African perennial rivers. Water SA 46(3):383-392.

Macfarlane DM, Ollis DJ and Kotze DC. 2020. A refined suite of tools for assessing the present ecological state of wetland ecosystems. Technical Report No TT 820/20. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Van Deventer H, Naidoo L, Cho M, Job N, Linstrom A, Sieben E, Snaddon K and Gangat R. 2020.  Establishing remote sensing toolkits for monitoring freshwater ecosystems under global change.  WRC Report No. 2545/1/19.

van Deventer H, Naidoo L, Cho MA, Job NM, Linström A, Sieben E, Snaddon K. and Gangat R. 2020.  Establishing Remote Sensing Toolkits for Monitoring Freshwater Ecosystems under Global Change.  Report to the Water Research Commission, WRC Report No. 2545/1/19, ISBN 978-0-6392-0125-2.

Scientists jump in as alien invaders threaten to leave sandfish up creek (Times live 2020)

Searching for sandfish (The Mission 2020)

Researchers develop environmental water temperature guidelines for SA rivers (The Water Wheel July/August 2020)

Krom River – Where science and education meet

Saving Sandfish | EP1 | Meet Onderbek

Saving Sandfish | EP2 | Meet the Biedouw

Saving sandfish | EP3 |  Searching for sandfish

Reizenberg JL, Bloy LE, Weyl OLF, Shelton JM and Dallas HF. 2019. Variation in thermal tolerances of native freshwater fishes in South Africa’s Cape Fold Ecoregion: examining the east–west gradient in species’ sensitivity to climate warming. Journal of Fish Biology 94(1): 103-112.

Rivers-Moore NA, Ellender BR and Weyl OLF. 2019. Modelling expected trout ranges under current and future water temperature regimes in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.  African Journal of Aquatic Science 44: 35-42.

Dallas HF and Rivers-Moore NA. 2019. Environmental water temperature guidelines for perennial rivers in South Africa. Technical Report No TT 799/1/19. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Dallas HF and Rivers-Moore NA. 2019. Environmental water temperature guidelines for perennial rivers in South Africa – A technical manual for setting water temperature targets. WRC Report No TT 799/2/19. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Dallas HF, Shelton JM, Paxton BR, Weyl O, Reizenberg R, Bloy L and Rivers-Moore NA. 2019. Assessing the effect of climate change on native and non-native freshwater fishes in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. WRC Report No TT 801/19. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Marr SM, Bellingan TA, Hugo S, Shelton JM, Impson ND, Gouws J and Weyl OLF. 2019. Rotenone policy support and capacity development: Part 2: Krom River base-line monitoring and capacity development , WRC Report No. TT 780/2/18. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Rafferty M, Paxton BR, Bragg CA, Shelton JM, Snaddon K and Frenzel P. 2019. Baseline Assessment for Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation in the Riviersonderend catchment. Report 3: South Africa: Stakeholder Engagement and Analysis. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy by the Freshwater Research Centre. Pp 28.

Shelton JM, Snaddon K, Paxton BR, Rafferty M and Frenzel P. 2019. A Baseline Assessment for Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation in the Riviersonderend Catchment, South Africa. Report 1: River Health. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy by the Freshwater Research Centre. Pp 67.

Shelton JM, Snaddon K, Paxton BR, Rafferty M and Frenzel P. 2019. A Baseline Assessment for Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation in the Riviersonderend Catchment, South Africa. Report 4: Threats and Interventions. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy by the Freshwater Research Centre. Pp 37.

Snaddon K, Shelton JM, Frenzel P and Paxton BR. 2019. A Baseline Assessment for Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation in the Riviersonderend Catchment, South Africa. Report 1. River Health. Prepared for The Nature Conservancy by the Freshwater Research Centre. Pp 67.

Ewart-Smith J, Ross-Gillespie V, Grainger C. 2019. Towards the use of periphyton as indicators of flow and nutrient alterations for the management of water resources in South Africa. WRC Report TT 784/18. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Cape’s endemic fish swimming for survival (Water Wheel December 2019)

Impson ND & Shelton JM (2019) Trouts of Africa: A mixed blessing for its people and the natural environment. Trout and Char of the World. Eds: Jeffrey L. Kershner, Jack E. Williams, Robert E. Gresswell, and Javier Lobón-Cerviá. American Fisheries Society. 777pp. doi:

Shelton JM (2019) Swimming dangerously close to Extinction: Population Crash in Lesotho’s Endemic Maloti Minnow. Eds: John W. Wilson and Richard B. Primack, Conservation Biology in Sub-Saharan Africa. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2019,

Snaddon K, Robinson J, Foden W, Van Deventer H, Van Rooyen L, Genthe B and Sieben E. 2019. Chapter 3: Climate change – our changing environment from a freshwater ecosystems perspective, in Van Deventer et al. South African National Biodiversity Assessment 2018: Technical Report. Volume 2b: Inland Aquatic (Freshwater) Realm. CSIR report number CSIR/NRE/ECOS/IR/2019/0004/A. South African National Biodiversity Institute, Pretoria.

Warming Waters

Avidon S, Shelton JM, Marr SM and Weyl OLF. 2018. Preliminary evaluation of non-native rainbow trout ( Oncorhynchus mykiss ) impact on the Cederberg ghost frog ( Heleophryne depressa ) in South Africa’s Cape Fold Ecoregion. African Journal of Aquatic Science 43(3): 1-6. DOI: 10.2989/16085914.2018.1507898.

Dallas HF and Rivers-Moore NA. 2018. Temporal thermal refugia and seasonal variation in upper thermal limits of two species of riverine invertebrates: the amphipod, Paramelita nigroculus, and the mayfly, Lestagella penicillata. Aquatic Ecology 52(4): 333-349.

Dallas HF, Lowe S, Kennedy MP, Saili K and Murphy KJ. 2018.  Zambian Invertebrate Scoring System (ZISS): A macroinvertebrate-based biotic index for rapid bioassessment of southern tropical African river systems. African Journal of Aquatic Science 43(4): 325-344.

Ramulifho PA, Rivers-Moore NA, Dallas HF and Foord SH. 2018. A conceptual framework towards more holistic freshwater conservation planning through incorporation of stream connectivity and thermal vulnerability. Journal of Hydrology 556: 173-181.

Rivers-Moore NA, Dallas HF, de Moor FC and Barendse J. 2018. Relationships of water temperature and aquatic macroinvertebrate community structure with non-native riparian plant densities in the southern Cape, South Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Science 43(3): 215-227.

Rivers-Moore NA and Hill TR. 2018. A predictive management tool for blackfly outbreaks on the Orange River, South Africa. River Research and Applications 34(9): 1197-1207.

Rivers-Moore NA and Palmer RW. 2018. The influence of turbidity and water temperature on black fly species in the middle and lower Orange River, South Africa. Canadian Journal of Zoology 96(6): 614-621.

Ross-Gillespie V, Picker MD, Dallas HF and Day JA. 2018. The role of temperature in egg development of three aquatic insects Lestagella penicillata (Ephemeroptera), Aphanicercella scutata (Plecoptera), Chimarra ambulans (Trichoptera) from South Africa. Journal of Thermal Biology 71: 158-170.

Shelton JM, Weyl OLF, Esler KJ, Paxton BR, Impson DN and Dallas HF. 2018. Temperature mediates the impact of non-native rainbow trout on native freshwater fishes in South Africa’s Cape Fold Ecoregion. Biological Invasions 20(10): 2927–2944.

Shelton JM, Bird MS and Marr SM. 2018. Evidence for diet partitioning among three coexisting native freshwater fishes in South Africa’s Cape Fold Ecoregion. African Journal of Aquatic Science 43(2): 89-100.

Bloy LE. 2018. The effect of water temperature on the distribution of the Eastern Cape redfin minnow, Pseudobarbus afer (Peters, 1864). (Masters dissertation, Rhodes University).

Odume ON, Ntloko P, Akamagwuna FC, Dallas HF, Barber-James H. 2018. Development of macroinvertebrate trait-based approach for assessing and managing ecosystem health in South African rivers – Incorporating a case study in the Tsitsa river and its tributaries, Eastern Cape. Water Research Commission Project K5/7157. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Snaddon K, Dietrich J, Forsythe K, Turpie J. 2018. Prioritisation of wetlands for water security in priority dam catchments in the Western Cape Water Supply System. Report submitted to The Nature Conservancy by the Freshwater Research Centre, October 2018.  82 pp.

Below the Surface of South Africa’s Worst Drought On Record (The Fisheries Blog, August 2018)

The Maloti minnow, a fish out of water

River and Redfin (2018 Net vir Pret Giant Puppet Parade Barrydale)

Fish have prepared for Cape drought for millions of years (Sunday Times Daily, 2018)

Kennedy MP, Lang P, Grimaldo JT, Martins SV, Alannah B, Moore I, Taubert R, Macleod-Nolan C, McWaters S, Briggs JA, Lowe S, Saili K, Sichingabula H, Dallas HF, Morrison S, Franceschini C, Willems F, Bottino F and Murphy KJ. 2017. Niche-breadth of freshwater macrophytes occurring in tropical southern African rivers predicts species global latitudinal range. Aquatic Botany 136: 21-30.

Shelton JM, Weyl OLF, Chakona A, Ellender BR, Esler KJ, Impson DN, Jordaan MS, Marr SM, Ngobela T, Paxton BR, Van der Walt JA and Dallas HF. 2017. Vulnerability of Cape Floristic Region freshwater fishes to climate change and other human impacts. Aquatic Conservation 28(1): 68-77.

Shelton JM, Impson DN, Graham S and Esler KJ. 2017. Down, but not out: rapid recent decline of Berg-Breede River whitefish (Barbus andrewi) in the upper Hex River, South Africa. Koedoe. 59(1): 1398.

Shelton JM, Weyl OLF, Van Der Walt J, Marr S, Impson DN, Macijewski K, Tye D, Dallas HF and Esler K. 2017. Effect of an intensive mechanical removal effort on a population of non-native rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss in a South African headwater stream. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 27(5): 1051-1055.

Bragg CJ, Paxton BR, Shelton JM, Bovim LA and Dallas HF. 2017. Freshwater Fishes of the Cape Fold Ecoregion and Climate Change: Volume 2: Policy Uptake Strategy. Prepared on behalf of the Table Mountain Fund by the Freshwater Research Centre pp 14.

Dallas HF, Shelton JM, Paxton BR and Weyl OLF. 2017. Freshwater Fishes of the Cape Fold Ecoregion and Climate Change: Volume 1: Research Synthesis. Prepared on behalf of the Table Mountain Fund by the Freshwater Research Centre pp 12.

Ewart-Smith J, Graham M, Pillay P and Singh S. 2017. The application and development of periphyton as indicators of flow and nutrient alterations and the establishment of trophic status thresholds for water quality monitoring and management of rivers in South Africa. WRC Report K5/2351. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Grainger CV. 2017. Patterns in periphyton biomass and community structure in foothill rivers: A comparison between winter and summer rainfall regions. (Masters dissertation, Stellenbosch University).

Reizenberg JL. 2017. The thermal tolerances and preferences of native fishes in the Cape Floristic Region: towards understanding the effect of climate change on native fish species (Masters dissertation, University of Cape Town).

What climate change means for our freshwater fish

Emerging Freshwater Biologists Learn To Monitor River Rehabilitation (GetSetGo, NRF newsletter, May 2017)

Plenty more fish in the fynbos? What climate change means for our freshwater fish (Table Mountain Fund, WWF 2017)

Living Labs


Dallas HF. 2016. The influence of thermal history on upper thermal limits of two species of riverine insects: the stonefly, Aphanicerca capensis, and the mayfly, Lestagella penicillata. Hydrobiologia 781(1): 95-108.

Kennedy MP, Lang P, Grimaldoc JP, Varandas Martin S, Bruce A, Lowe S, Dallas HF, Sichingabula H, Davidson TA, Briggs JA and Murphy KJ. 2016. The Zambian Macrophyte Trophic Ranking scheme, ZMTR: a new biomonitoring protocol to assess the trophic status of tropical southern African rivers. Aquatic Botany 131: 15-27.

Rivers-Moore NA, Mantel S, Ramulifo P and Dallas HF. 2016. A disconnectivity index for improving choices in managing protected areas for rivers. Aquatic conservation: marine and freshwater ecosystems 26: 29-38.

Shelton JM, Bird MS, Samways MJ and Day JA. 2016. Non-native rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, occupy a different trophic niche to native Breede River redfin, Pseudobarbus burchelli, which they replace in South African headwater streams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26(3): 484-496.

Shelton JM, Clark BM, Sephaka T and Turpie JK. 2016. Population crash in Lesotho’s endemic Maloti minnow, Pseudobarbus quathlambae, following invasion by translocated smallmouth yellowfish, Labeobarbus aeneus. Aquatic Conservation 27(1): 65-77.

Shelton JM, Woodford DJ, Samways MJ and Day JA. 2016. Are native cyprinids or introduced salmonids stronger regulators of benthic invertebrates in South African headwater streams? Austral Ecology 41(6): 633-643.

van Deventer H, Nel J, Mbona N, Job N, Ewart-Smith J, Snaddon K and Maherry A. 2016. Desktop classification of inland wetlands for systematic conservation planning in data-scarce countries: mapping wetland ecosystem types, disturbance indices and threatened species associations at country-wide scale. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 26: 57– 75. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.2605.

Paxton BR, Dobinson L, Kleynhans M, Reinecke K and Dallas HF. 2016. FEPAs and Flows – Developing methods for Ecological Reserve Compliance Monitoring in Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (FEPAs) – a case study in the Kouebokkeveld, Western Cape. Water Research Commission Report Number 2340/1/16. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Paxton BR, Dobinson L, Kleynhans M and Howard G. 2016. Developing an Elementary Tool for Ecological Reserve Monitoring in South Africa’s Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Areas (FEPAs): A Pilot Study in the Koue Bokkeveld. Water Research Commission Report Number 2340/1/16. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Dallas HF and Ross-Gillespie V. 2015. Sublethal effects of temperature on freshwater organisms, with special reference to aquatic insects. Water SA 41(5): 712-726.

Kaaya LT, Day JA and Dallas HF. 2015. Tanzania River Scoring System (TARISS): a macroinvertebrate-based biotic index for rapid bioassessment of rivers. African Journal of Aquatic Science 40(2): 109-117.

Kennedy MP, Lang P, Grimaldoc JT, Varandas Martins SV, Bruce A, Hastie A, Lowe S, Ali MM, Sichingabula H, Dallas HF, Briggs JA and Murphy KJ. 2015. Environmental drivers of aquatic macrophyte communities in southern tropical African rivers: Zambia as a case study. Aquatic Botany 124: 19–28.

Shelton JM, Samways MJ and Day JA. 2015. Non-native rainbow trout change the structure of benthic communities in streams of the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Hydrobiologia 26(3): 484-496.

Dallas HF, Rivers-Moore NA, Ross-Gillespie V, Ramulifho P and Reizenberg J. 2015.  Adaptability and vulnerability of Riverine Biota to Climate Change – Developing Tools for Assessing Biological Effects. Water Research Commission Report Number 2182/1/15. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Malan HL, Day JA, Ramjukadh CL and Olivier N. 2015. Trajectories of change in wetlands of the Fynbos Biome from the late 1980s to 2014. Status Reports for the individual wetlands sampled during the project. Water Research Commission Report Number 2183/1/14. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Rivers-Moore NA and Dallas HF. 2015. Towards assessing impacts of alien plant infestations on river systems in the Southern Cape using cost-benefit analyses. Water Research Commission Report Number 2264/1/15. Water Research Commission, Pretoria, South Africa.

Trout in the fynbos (Flyfishing April 2015)

Fins in the Fynbos 2015


Dallas HF and Rivers-Moore NA. 2014. Ecological consequences of global climate change for freshwater ecosystems in South Africa. South African Journal of Science 110 (5/6): 48-58.

Eady BR, Hill T and Rivers-Moore NA. 2014. Shifts in aquatic macroinvertebrate community structure in response to perenniality, southern Cape, South Africa. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 29(4): 475-490.

Rivers-Moore NA, Palmer RW and Dallas HF. 2014. Assessing the relative culpability of Simulium (Diptera: Simuliidae) species in recent black fly outbreaks along the middle Orange River, South Africa. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92: 505–513.

Shelton JM, Samways MJ and Day JA. 2014. Non-native rainbow trout change the structure of benthic communities in streams of the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. Hydrobiologia 745(1): 1-15.

Shelton JM, Samways MJ and Day JA. 2014. Predatory impact of non-native rainbow trout on endemic fish populations in headwater streams in the Cape Floristic Region of South Africa. Biological Invasions 17(1): 365-379.

Shelton JM, Impson DN and Day JA. 2014. Preliminary evaluation of the impact of invasive smallmouth bass on native fish abundance in the Witte River, Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. African Zoology 49(2): 277-282.

Clark B, Shelton JM and Sephaka T. 2014. Biological Resources Monitoring within Phase 1 of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project Catchments 2013-14. Report 5a: Fish Katse Catchment Specialist Report 57pp.

Clark B, Shelton JM and Sephaka T. 2014. Biological Resources Monitoring within Phase 1 of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project Catchments 2013-14. Report 5b: Fish Mohale Catchment Specialist Report 52pp.

Ramjukadh CL. 2014. Are wetland plant communities in the Cape Flora influenced by environmental and land-use changes? MSc thesis. Biological Sciences, University of Cape Town, South Africa.

Redfins a Conservation Story (Cape Town Green Map, 2014)


Dallas HF. 2013.  Ecological status assessment in Mediterranean-rivers: complexities and challenges in developing tools for assessing condition and defining reference conditions. Hydrobiologia 719: 483-507.

Eady BR, Rivers-Moore NA and Hill TR. 2013. Relationship between water temperature predictability and aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages in two South African streams. African Journal of Aquatic Science 38(2): 163-174.

Lowe S, Dallas HF, Kennedy MP, Taylor JC, Gibbins C, Lang P, Sichingabula H, Saili K, Ntobolo C, Kabangu K, Day JA, Willems F, Briggs JA and Murphy KJ. 2013. The SAFRASS biomonitoring scheme, general aspects, macrophytes (ZMTR) and benthic macroinvertebrates (ZISS) protocols. SAFRASS. Deliverable Report to the ACP Group Science and Technology Programme, Contract No. AFS/2009/219013. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. 19 pp.

Rivers-Moore NA, Dallas HF and Morris C. 2013.  Towards setting environmental water temperature guidelines: A South African example.  Journal of Environmental Management 128: 380-392.

Rivers-Moore NA, Dallas HF and Ross-Gillespie V. 2013.  Life history does matter in assessing potential ecological impacts of thermal changes on aquatic macroinvertebrates.  River Research and Application 29(9): 1100-1109.

Watson M and Dallas HF. 2013.  Bioassessment in ephemeral rivers: constraints and challenges in applying macroinvertebrate sampling protocols.  African Journal of Aquatic Science 38(1): 35-51.

Lowe S, Dallas HF, Kennedy MP, Taylor JC, Gibbins C, Lang P, Sichingabula H, Saili K, Ntobolo C, Kabangu K, Day JA, Willems F, Briggs JA and Murphy KJ. 2013. The SAFRASS biomonitoring scheme, general aspects, macrophytes (ZMTR) and benthic macroinvertebrates (ZISS) protocols. SAFRASS. Deliverable Report to the ACP Group Science and Technology Programme, Contract No. AFS/2009/219013. University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. 16 pp.

Redfins a Conservation Story

Dallas HF and Ketley ZA. 2011. Upper thermal limits of aquatic macroinvertebrates: comparing Critical Thermal Maxima with 96-LT50 values. Journal of Thermal Biology 36(6): 322-327.

Dallas HF and Rivers-Moore NA. 2011.  Micro-scale heterogeneity in water temperature. Water SA 37(4): 505-512.

Day JA and Dallas HF. 2011. Understanding the basics of water quality.  In Water Resources, Planning and Management: Challenges and solutions. Cambridge University Press, UK. Chapter 4.

Dallas HF. 2008.  Water temperature and riverine ecosystems: An overview of knowledge and approaches for assessing biotic responses, with special reference to South Africa. Water SA 34(3): 393-404.

Shelton JM, Day JA and Griffiths CL. 2008. Influence of largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides, on abundance and habitat selection of Cape galaxias, Galaxias zebratus, in a mountain stream in the Cape Floristic Region, South Africa. African Journal of Aquatic Science 33(3): 201-210.

Dallas HF and Mosepele B. 2007. A preliminary survey of the aquatic invertebrates of the Okavango Delta, Botswana. African Journal of Aquatic Science 32(1): 1-11.

Dallas HF, Kennedy MP, Taylor JC, Lowe S and Murphy KJ. 2010. SAFRASS: Southern African River Assessment Scheme. WP4: Review of existing biomonitoring methodologies and appropriateness for adaptation to river quality assessment protocols for use in southern tropical Africa. Prepared for ACP Contract AFS/2009/219013.

Turning up the heat – research project investigates water temperature effects on freshwater systems.

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